ResponseMaster Advanced Topics
Custom Dispositions
Custom Message Fields
Custom Categories
Categorization Rules
Custom Monitors
This document describes some of the advanced
customization that is possible with ResponseMaster. While all
of these features are supported, we would appreciate it if you contact before using them. That
way, we can understand how our customers are using the features, and we
can let you know if we have anything similar under development.
Custom Dispositions
You can create your own custom dispositions to integrate
ResponseMaster more directly into your system.
There are three steps to creating and using a custom disposition type.
Create a Java class that implements the
Create an entry for the class in the custom Disposition Types File.
Change the dispositions configuration file to make a category use the new
disposition type.
The custom disposition types file (usually customDispositionTypes.xml) contains
the list and definitions of the disposition types. It contains a
root DispositionTypes node with a DispositionType node for each disposition
type. Each DispositionType node contains the following elements:
Name - The name of the disposition type
DetailedDispositionFile - 1 if the disposition type uses a detailed disposition
file, 0 if not
ClassName - The name of the class that implements the disposition type.
This class must implement the IDispositionType interface.
Please refer to
for an example custom disposition.
Custom Message Fields
You can create your own custom message fields if you need
to extract information from the responses that ResponseMaster doesn't
provide. Two examples when you would want to do this are:
If you are embedding information in the message headers
If you are using Variable Envelop Return Paths (VERP) to encode information
about the recipient or the list into the Return-Path or From address.
There are three steps to creating and using a custom
message field.
Create a Java class that implements the
com.extrememessaging.ResponseMaster.MessageFields.IMessageField interface.
Note: You may be able to use our
Parameterized Message Fields instead of creating your own.
Create an entry for the class in the custom Message Fields File.
Make use of the field in a detailed disposition file or in a custom
categorization rule. Your new custom message field is treated exactly
like the message fields that are provided with ResponseMaster.
The custom message fields file (usually customMessageFields.xml)
contains the list and definitions of the fields that will be extracted from a
message. It contains a root MessageFields node with a MessageField node
for each message field. Each MessageField node contains the following
Name - The name of the message field
DataTypeClassName - The class name of data type of the message field.
FetchingClassName - The name of the class that is used to get the value of the
field from the message. This class must implement the IMessageField
Parameter - A string that is passed to the Initialize method of class that
implements the field. This could be used, for example, to provide
the scheme used by the message generation system to encode the VERP.
NotNull - 1 if this field is not allowed to be null, 0 if it can be null -
used only by the configuration program.
ConstantLength - 1 if the field is always the same length. 0 if the length is
variable - used only by the configuration program, only valid for String
DefaultLength - The default length for this field - used only by the
configuration program, only valid for String fields.
ExcludeFromFieldList - 1 if the message field should be excluded from the field
list in the configuration program. 0 (or missing) if it should be
Please refer to
for an example custom message field.
Custom Categories
You can create your own custom categories if you want to
allow the user to interact with you by responding to the mailings you
send. There are four steps to creating and using a custom category.
Define the category in the custom Category Definitions file.
Create new categorization rule files that determine which messages are placed
into the new category.
Add those categorization rule files to the categorization config file.
Note: The order of the rules is important. Once a message matched
a rule, processing stops for that message.
Define the dispositions for the category in the dispositions configuration
The custom category definitions file (usually
customCategoryDefinitions.xml) contains the list of categories. It
contains a root Categories node with a Category node for each category.
Each Category node contains the following elements:
Name - The name of the Category
OriginalAddressIsFrom - 1 if the From address should be used as the
Original To. 0 if the Original To address should be extracted from the
IsDefault - 1 if this is the default category (it should be 0 for all other
Custom Categorization Rules
You can create your own custom categorization rules
to place messages into your custom categories. There are three
steps to creating a custom categorization rule.
Create a new categorization rule file.
Create a new categorization configuration file that references your new
categorization rule file
Add another CategorizationRulesFileName element to the Mailbox(es) that you
want your rules to apply to. Note: If you place your
CategorizationRulesFileName first, your rules will be processed before the
built-in rules; if you place your CategorizationRulesFileName second, your
rules will be processed after the built-in rules.
The categorization rule files define the text matching rules that determine
when a message matches a category. Most of the categorization rules that
Extreme Messaging provides are encrypted, but you should not encrypt
yours. Each file contains a root CategorizationRule node.
Under the root node, there are the following nodes:
Name - the name of the rule. This should be unique.
It typically matches the name of the file that the rule is stored in.
Rules - contains a collection of Rule nodes. All Rule
nodes must be satisfied for the overall rule to be matched.
Rule - a rule that should be matched
Field - The name of the field of the message that should be compared to the
Operator - The method used to determine if the Field matches the Value.
Possible values: "Contains", "BeginsWith", "DoesNotContain",
"DoesNotBeginWith", "ContainsNumericWord", "RegularExpression", or "NotRegularExpression".
ContainsNumericWord means to match a number only if it isn't part of
a larger number.
RegularExpression and NotRegularExpression use Perl5 regular expression syntax.
Value - The value to compare the field to.
IgnoreWhitespace - 1 if whitespace should be removed from the field before
comparing it. Use this when the value to be matched may be wrapped across
lines. 0 if the field should be compared directly.
Note: the categorization rule files MUST be stored in
Unicode (little-endian).
The categorization configuration file (usually
categorization.xml) defines the order in which rules are applied to the
message. Once one rule is matched, processing stops. It contains a
root CategorizationRules root. The root node contains a Version node
which is used just for logging, and a bunch of Rule nodes. Each Rule node
contains the following nodes:
RuleFileName - The name (and path) of the categorization rule file.
Category - The name of the category that this rule defines.
Encrypted - 1 if the rule file is encrypted. 0 if not.
Custom Monitors
You can create your own custom monitors if you need to integrate ResponseMaster
into another application's logging, or you need to integrate it into your
systems management software.
There are two steps to creating and using custom
Create a Java class that implements the
com.extrememessaging.ResponseMaster.monitor.IMonitor interface.
Note: It is typically easier to extend
com.extrememessaging.ResponseMaster.monitor.CMonitorBase and
override the methods that handle the events you are interested in.
Reference the new class in the Monitor Config File.