
Version 796 of ResponseMaster


ResponseMaster for Windows

Install Type Win Install ZIP

ResponseMaster for Linux

Install Type RPM Tar.gz

Release Notes

Module: ResponseMaster
Release #: 796
Date: June 21, 2022

Release Overview

This is a major release. We have upgraded several third party libraries used by ResponseMaster. Our changes could require some changes in your custom code. See below for specifics of changes. If you have any questions about the impact to your installation we can arrange a call with your engineering team.


Change Detailed Explanation
Upgraded JavaMail We upgraded JavaMail across the namespace change, so if you have custom message fields or custom dispositions that make use of the raw Message object or other raw JavaMail classes, you’ll need to update your imports from “javax.mail” to “jakarta.mail”
Upgraded from log4j v1.x to log4j v2.x. If you route ResponseMaster logging to log4j via com.extrememessaging.ResponseMaster.monitor.MonitorLog4j in your monitor config file, then you’ll need to adjust your log4j config to utilize the new format (

Download Instructions

We are very happy to report that we have updated the web site! The link below will take you to the new download page. Not only will you find the different installer packages of ResponseMaster, but also some upgrade instructions. If you are going to use Adoptium Java on Windows, you cannot use the default setting for the install. See: Windows install or Linux install for the details. The latest version of ResponseMaster.

There are many types of installation packages on the web site, make sure to choose the appropriate package for your environment and situation. The types are:

  • Type: Upgrade or Full
  • Operating System: Windows or Linux 64 bit
  • Install Package: msi, rpm, gz/tar, or zip

If there are questions or issues, please contact us at:

Java Version

This release of ResponseMaster was test using the following distributions of Java.

Adoptium distro (formally AdoptOpenJDK)

Download Page:

Open Source Version (Free)

    • Java 18
    • Java 17


Download Page:

 Open Source Version (Free)

    • Java 18
    • Java 17

Oracle Licensed (Oracle Supported)

    • Java 8
    • Java 11

Download versions

Version Type Notes
805 GA Released March 2024
Significant rule updates for Microsoft 365 & general rule updates
798 GA Released May 2021
Support for Microsoft 365 Exchange server
796 GA Released June 2021
Updated JavaMail & Updated log4jv2.x
776 GA Released April 2021
Certified with AdoptOpenJDK
759 GA Released Jan 2021
Updating installers
If you need an older release please contact support.