Preparation Checklist for Installing ResponseMaster
Before you install ResponseMaster ensure that
- Your operating system is Linux Red Hat & Ubuntu (other flavors of Linux and other versions are likely to work, but please let us know what you are using).
- You can log on as a super user.
- You know the mail server user name and password.
- You have reviewed the ResponseMaster readme file.
Steps for Installing ResponseMaster
- Get the latest installation package for ResponseMaster from the home page. Be sure to choose the “Upgrade” package if you have already installed a previous version.
- If you already have a version of ResponseMaster running on the machine, stop it.
- Install the rpm, e.g. rpm -i ResponseMaster-###-1.i386.rpm
This will install ResponseMaster into /etc/ResponseMaster and place a control script into /etc/init.d
- Note: If you are upgrading, you will need to specify the “–force” option.
- Place your license file (obtained from into the “config” subdirectory.
- You need to have a supported Java Virtual Machine on your system. If you do not already have one, you can download one from
- Edit the ResponseMaster config files. At a minimum, you must set up the mailbox parameters in config/master.xml. Refer to the ResponseMaster Configuration Guide for details.
- The /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster script starts ResponseMaster.
You will probably need to make minor changes to adapt it for your system.
- Start the ResponseMaster service, e.g. service ResponseMaster start
- Verify that ResponseMaster is running correctly by examining the log file in the output folder.
- If you do not see any error messages, installation is complete.
- If you see error messages and need help addressing them, contact Extreme Messaging at
Adapting the installation for your environment
- To set the path to your JVM:
- Edit /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
- Change the JAVA_HOME variable
- To change the classpath:
- Edit /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
- Change the CLASSPATH variable to include whatever additional paths you need
Note: If you are using the JMX monitoring features, you will need to include jmxri.jar and jmxtools.jar in your classpath. These jars are part of the JMX package, available at
- To set system properties on the JVM:
- Edit /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
- Add something like “-Dmyprop=myval ” after the “-outfile /etc/ResponseMaster/output/stdout.txt ” line
- To run ResponseMaster from the command line instead of as a service
- Delete /etc/init.d/ResponseMaster
- Use a command line like this from the /etc/ResponseMaster directory: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_17/bin/java -jar responseMaster.jar ./config/master.xml